Friday, May 23, 2008

Jennifer's Musings

In Africa,
I cradled an infant with huge brown eyes that stared into my soul as he quietly & slowly starved to death...and I silently screamed “Why God?”

In Africa,
I choked back tears while I held a sobbing 12 year old girl as we watched a younger child leave the orphanage with his new family.
and I silently pleaded “Please take her too”.

In Africa,
I learned to avert my eyes from the throngs of young homeless children as they wandered the streets begging for food or money
and silently I prayed “Please God keep them safe”.

In Africa,
I watched special needs children that lay on the floor all day because the resources to care for them are nonexistent
and silently I wondered “What will happen to these very special kids?”

In Africa,
I met incredible people who have joyfully given up their comfortable American lives to care for the millions of orphans and silently I questioned "Could I give that same sacrifice?”

In Africa,
I witnessed the ravages of AIDS amongst the children most of whom have cared for their parents till their deaths
and silently I chastised ”Why are we all so ignorant of this disease?”

In Africa,
I shared in much laughter, joy and friendship with the older orphans who were patiently waiting their turn for a new life in America.
and silently I paid homage” Thank you to the families willing to adopt these older children”.

In Africa,
I remained silent, overwhelmed by the poverty, famine, homeless children, lack of medical care and AIDS epidemic.

But I will remain silent no more.

1 comment:

Carrie said...

Hi Friends!

So glad I finally visited your blog. I love your words to these pictures of your hearts. I wish we could have spent more time together on the trip, but I know we were used better by spreading out. I think of you both often, and feel exactly as you do. I hope all of us who are touched by Africa break the silence and open hearts all over the place to the needs we saw. I am excited to see where God is leading you. I know this is only the beginning!

Love you guys,