Thursday, March 28, 2013

Thursday, March 28, 2013: Trees of Glory

Thursday-Trees of Glory
The room is quiet and dark, and I finally have a moment to reflect on today. I'm amazed that 10 short hours ago our group of 16 piled into the vans headed to another Childern's HopeChest care point called "Trees of Glory." We packed so much into those hours that the day flew by.
It's another beautiful day in Addis-yet this one would take us to the countryside, to huge open spaces filled with fragrant eucalyptus trees, blue skies and rolling green hills. It's so beautiful sometimes it honestly takes your breath away! Sprinkled throughout the countryside are mud huts, children hurrying donkeys along, women carrying 40-50 pounds of eucalyptus tree leaves to the market to sell and buildings that encourage me that new construction means new jobs.
So many wonderful things happened at Trees of Glory that it's hard to write down, but here it is in a nutshell: we were able to hand out sponsor packets to the children from their sponsors in the US and take in their joy at a kind written word, encouragement, prayer or gift; play with the kids in the (hot!) sunshine; tour the amazing grounds and marvel at the new chicken coop, clean water well, and best of all, the new mud hut that is now their chapel. Here we gathered as a group with some Trees of Glory staff members and prayed & sang Amazing Grace and Shout to The Lord. Many staff members didn't know the words, but knew how to praise. Language just doesn't matter at a sacred moment like that.
A few of us were able to take Simeret, the director of the school aside, lay hands on her and pray for her. Her shoulders shook and she cried as Cindy Richardson spoke one of the most beautiful prayers I've ever heard lifted to heaven. Simeret is an indescribable force for the school and a visionary leader. What a huge impact she has made not only for the children, but the community surrounding Trees of Glory.

We concluded the night with a Maundy Thursday service led by Rick Randleman. After he spoke and read about the Last Supper, we took communion as a group (Goldfish and water, but hey! , it counts!!) and meditated while "How Beautiful" played. After our service, Ali Freudenthal asked that everyone speak a word of encouragement about the person to your right. Not many could get through their moments without completely breaking down. Call it exhaustion, but this group had a quick and loving bond that was immediately evident. It has been a tremendous blessing for me personally to be a part of such a great group. Thank you God, for blessings big and small-for those evident and those unseen!  by Joey Austin

We leave tomorrow night to head back to the States. But you know, Ethiopia never really leaves me at all.

 Yes... Mrs. Zahnd and Mrs. Richardson have eucalyptus under their noses!

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