Sunday, March 11, 2012

Sunday: Tyler Davison reflection

Wow, what an amazing first day! The roller coaster of emotions combined with the complete culture shock has stretched me already, and it’s only been one day!

Beginning the day with church at Beza International was beyond description. Witnessing true worship in a community of believers allowed me to experience the presence of God in such a personal way. People who have been through hell were lifting their hands and dancing around, giving every ounce of their energy and attention to the One in their life who could provide what they needed- peace and providence. God picked me up, shook me, and set me back down as if He was saying “This is what I want from you! Get the picture???” And I definitely burnt some calories there... Never in my life have I sweated that much from a church service!

Then came the visit to Layla House, my absolute favorite part of the day. I got to spend a couple hours doing one of the things I love most, holding and playing with kids! These kids were ADORABLE! Just like any kid out there, they loved to grab onto your finger, play peek-a-boo, laugh at your silly faces and make a few funny faces back at you, and pretend to be a rocket ship as you tossed them into the air. I had tickle wars with the older ones (very difficult when you’re single-handed up against 6 agile little Ethiopian children!) and taught them how to do the chicken dance. We laughed and laughed for what seemed like hours.

But the tears (yes, I’m man enough to admit it) didn’t come and reality didn’t set in until we said good-bye. You see, these kids were just like any other kid I’ve played with, babysat, taught, or watched over in the nursery at my church in that all they wanted was to be given attention and be loved. But unlike all the kids that I’ve loved on and given attention to, these kids didn’t have anyone to go home to that would continue to give them love and attention. This was it for them... My heart was changed today as I was filled with compassion for the lonely and broken, and a passion to give my everything to God for Him to use as He sees fit.

I can’t wait to see how God will mold me and the rest of the group this week, and I’m so excited to be His hands and feet. Praise the Lord!

From Tyler Davison!

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