Tuesday, March 13, 2012


(Tim Chester)

Well today was awesome! We went to Kind Hearts school again where we started with telling a story and then doing an activity. The activity was making lambs with marshmallows and pretzels; seeing the kids eat marshmallows was just hilarious. It was probably the first time they had ever had anything like it, and they were just giggling and laughing forever while at the same time stuffing their faces, and trying to share with us. I’m amazed at how little they have but they are the most generous people ever; I waited with a first-grader in the lunch line and when he got his lunch he tried to give me the first huge spoonful of rice he had.

Leaving Kind Hearts was the hardest though, I met little girl named Bantu and she followed me everywhere and was the sweetest person ever. Before I left I think she came up to me and hugged and kissed me goodbye at least 7 times. Everyone here is extremely loving and it's just great! For dinner we went to Makush Art Gallery which is a nice Italian/kind of American restaurant. I had a Philly cheese steak sandwich (i was not expecting to eat that kind of food in Ethiopia) but it was great!


We squeezed every moment out of our last day at Kind Hearts and even then could have spent just a few more moments with the kids. After singing, dancing, the lesson/craft from the SJCS teachers and a quick lunch we were ready to hand out the new shoes! The brand new leather shoes spilled out onto the tables awaiting their new owners. The children were first lined up that received a sponsor package from their parents, and if you’ve ever witnessed your own children running down the stairs on Christmas morning, then you can begin to imagine the anticipation the children were experiencing as they waited their turn to open their package with a team member and translator. They oo’d and ah’d over pencils, new underwear, socks, stickers, suckers and more. Each letter was read to the child and many pointed with excited eyes at those sponsors who have visited before! They would point to the picture then back at themselves...”They know me!” one child said.

My personal favorite moment of the day was spent with Hyder (my sponsor child). He was very reluctant last year to spend time with me (no jokes here please!!) and warily said goodbye. This year, he hugged me when he saw me, and throughout the day would catch my eye and smile. When we received his package, he sat on my lap as we went through his package. (I do believe his favorite was the MIZZOU shirt...Go Tigers...) At the end, he hugged me and let me kiss him, then whispered “I love you”. It was a tiny little raspy whisper that melted my heart and the tears began to pour down my face. I’ve loved him for a lot longer than he’s loved me and finally he is reciprocating! I can only liken it to the way God longs for us to KNOW him...to LOVE him...then when we do...WOW!

Each child received a new pair of shoes and their smiles and giggles were contagious. Most children have shoes, although many have more “holes than soles.” Their feet get injured on the dusty, rough terrain and they do not complain and often go barefoot. It was our honor at St. Joseph Christian to raise funds to purchase shoes for each child. They were measured before-hand so the shoes would fit perfectly. They ran as they left the table and held their dirty, dusty shoes in their other hands. We remarked that many of them strutted away from the table with new confidence. What a pleasure to give them such a special gift!

I’m so amazed at how our SJCS students have absolutely thrown themselves into this trip and don’t waste a moment with these kids. They are jungle gyms, climbing toys, hug machines, dance instructors, cuddle pals and playmates. I’ve been so impressed at how they have shown their love in a million little ways. As we pulled away one student openly wept with love for these kids. What an amazing experience.

Tomorrow we will experience Young Life Ethiopia for the first time! Please pray as we have had some team members experience altitude sickness and headaches. Overall we have been fortunate with our health and energy level-we certainly don’t want to waste any moment of our time here being sick!

Thank you Jesus for Africa and it’s children. Their lessons to us are...innumerable!

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